
GitHub Copilot Cheat Sheet

This is a quick reference guide to get started with GitHub Copilot.
This page is a fork from: jaywcj


1. Account Registration

You need to have a GitHub account and subscribe to Copilot.

Item Description
GitHub Account Registration Link
Subscribe to GitHub Copilot Subscription Link

2. Install Vscode Extension

Search and install the following extensions in the extension marketplace.

Extension Name Functionality
GitHub Copilot Code completion suggestions in the editor
GitHub Copilot Chat Plugin bar for conversing with Copilot

3. Sign in to GitHub Account in Vscode

4. Copilot Subscription Plans

Plan | Price | Features :-|-|- Copilot Individual | $10/person/month
(Free for students, teachers, and open-source contributors) | Code completion, Chatbot Copilot Business| $19/person/month | Code completion, Chatbot, Command-line tool, Security vulnerability screening, Code references, Public code screening, Intellectual property, Enterprise security and privacy protection Copilot Enterprise| $39/person/month | Business features + Personalized chat for private code repositories + Document search summaries + Git Pull Request summaries + Code review + Model fine-tuning

5. Copilot Usage Entry Points

Name Description
Inline Suggestions Show suggestions next to the cursor in the editor
Completions Panel Display a complete list of suggestions in the editor
Inline Chat Initiate a conversation next to the cursor in the editor
Editor Chat Open a full conversation interface in the editor
Slide Chat Open a conversation interface in the sidebar of the editor
Quick Chat Invoke the conversation interface at the top

Tips for Suggestions

The Art of Suggestions

The relationship between you and copilot is like that of a writer and an illustrator.
You need to describe your story (i.e., context) as comprehensively, concisely, and clearly as possible.
Copilot will then generate beautiful illustrations (i.e., code) based on your story.

Practical Tutorials

Types of Context Information


Context: File

Copilot will analyze the currently open file and adjacent files in the editor to provide appropriate suggestions based on the context.

Context: Comment: Top-level comment

When creating a new file, add comments at the top of the file to describe your requirements. This is helpful for Copilot.

* The following explanations will use ... to indicate where Copilot starts generating.

# Download file from an URL and analyze its content
# Details: 
# * Download the file from an URL
# * Save the downloaded files into `./download` folder
# * Use `filetype` of the file to specify how to parse
# * Filetype can be `.pdf`, `.html`, `.epub`, `.md` and `.txt`
# * Use NLP or OCR to get the file content
# * Tokenize the file content and get the statistics result

import  ...

Context: Comment: Inline Comment

Add comments above each function or important code block to help Copilot understand some intentions or issues in your code.

* The following instructions will use ... to indicate where Copilot starts generating.

Add comments above the function

# parse the JSON string into User object
def ...

Add comments to the code

# ...
api_sever = FastApi(...)

# starting the API Sever, enable ssl, bind to 8443 port

Context: Comment: Docstring

Sometimes, when you already have a detailed design document but haven’t written the functional code, you can directly use the description in the docstring to let Copilot generate the code.

def send_email(to_address: Email, subject: str, content: HTML): -> StatusCode:
    Send email to specified address

    to_address : Email
        The email address to send to
    subject : str
        The email subject
    content : HTML
        The email content

        The sending result


Context: Comment: Asking questions

If you don’t want to switch to Copilot chat, comments can also be used to ask questions.

# Q: What is the difference between `os.path.join` and `pathlib.PurePath`?
# A: ...

Context: Comment: Todo

You can also let Copilot generate a todo list for you to assess the workload.

# Parse the json file into a Talks object
# -[ ] 1. ...

Context: Naming

Your naming should be clear enough for Copilot to understand your intent.

bad case

a = 60

def send(dict):

class data:

good case

timeout = 60

def send_email(to_address: Email, subject: str, content: HTML): -> StatusCode:

class Email:

Context: Code: Code examples

Provide code snippets to help Copilot start new development tasks better.

from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import String
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapped_column
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

class Base(DeclarativeBase):

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = "user_account"
    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(30))
    fullname: Mapped[Optional[str]]
    addresses: Mapped[List["Address"]] = relationship(
        back_populates="user", cascade="all, delete-orphan"
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"User(id={!r}, name={!r}, fullname={self.fullname!r})"

# Email Address

Context: Code: Data examples

Provide data snippets to help Copilot start new development tasks better.

dailogs = [
        "timestamp": "May 1, 2023 11:00:00",
        "text": "Hello, World!",
        "speaker": "Jack",
        "timestamp": "May 1, 2023 11:01:00",
        "text": "Hello, Copilot!",
        "speaker": "Copilot",

# Parse the json object into `Dialog` object


For Mac users, it is recommended to modify shortcuts related to the alt key, as the alt key with letters on Mac may be used by the input method. If you have customized the input method keylayout, ignore this sentence.

In addition, for commands without shortcuts, you can invoke the Command Palette and execute them by entering the query keyword after filtering.

Github Copilot

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| editor.action.inlineSuggest.trigger| Trigger inline suggestions | alt+\ | alt+\ editor.action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious| Show previous inline suggestion | alt+[| alt+[ editor.action.inlineSuggest.showNext| Show next inline suggestion | alt+]| alt+] editor.action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord| Accept the next word of the inline suggestion | ctl+right| cmd+right editor.action.inlineSuggest.commit| Accept the inline suggestion | Tab| Tab editor.action.inlineSuggest.hide| Hide the inline suggestion | Esc| Esc editor.action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextLine| Accept the next line of the inline suggestion | - | -

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| github.copilot.generate| Open Completions Panel | ctrl+enter| ctrl+enter github.copilot.acceptCursorPanelSolution| Accept the suggestion at the cursor in Completions Panel | ctrl+/ | ctrl+/ github.copilot.previousPanelSolution| View the previous suggestion | alt+[| alt+[ github.copilot.nextPanelSolution| View the next suggestion | alt+]| alt+]

Other commands in Copilot

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| github.copilot.toggleCopilot| Enable/Disable Copilot completion suggestions | -| - github.copilot.collectDiagnostics| Collect diagnostics information | -| - github.copilot.openLogs| Open the log window | -| - github.copilot.sendFeedback| Open the community website | -| - github.copilot.signIn| Sign in | -| -

Github Copilot Chat

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| github.copilot.interactiveEditor.explain| Explain (selected content or the file where the cursor is) | -| - github.copilot.terminal.explainTerminalSelection| Explain this (need to be used in the terminal) |-|- github.copilot.terminal.explainTerminalSelectionContextMenu| Copilot: Explain this (need to be used in the terminal) | Right-click menu | Right-click menu github.copilot.terminal.explainTerminalLastCommand| Explain the last command in the terminal (need to be used in the terminal) |-|-

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| inlineChat.start| Code inline chat | - | - github.copilot.interactiveEditor.generate| Generate here (invoke the /generate function of inline chat at the cursor position) | - | - github.copilot.interactiveEditor.generateDocs| Generate documentation | - | - github.copilot.interactiveEditor.generateTests| Generate tests | - | - github.copilot.interactiveEditor.fix| Fix this | - | -

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| workbench.action.quickchat.toggle| Enable/Disable Quick Chat | shift+cmd+i| shift+cmd+i github.copilot.terminal.suggestCommand| Suggest terminal commands | ctrl+i (only works in the terminal) | cmd+i

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-| workbench.action.openChat.copilot| Open editor chat |-|-

Other commands in Copilot Chat

| Command | Description | Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |-|:-|:-|:-|| Open github Issues |-|- github.copilot.debug.workbenchState| Log workbench state |-|- github.copilot.ghpr.applySuggestion| Provide code suggestions for Github Pull Request |-|-

Slash Commands tips in Copilot Chat

In the chat dialog, you can interact with Copilot Chat using commands starting with /.

Slash Commands Example

Slash Commands consist of four parts

Element Description
- Agent Specify the Agent, symbol is @, optional
- Commands Specify the command, symbol is /, optional
- Variables Reference content, symbol is #, optional
- User input command optional


/explain def helloworld():...

@vscode /api explain inlineChat.start

@workspace /explain def helloworld():...


Agent Description
@vscode vscode commands and plugin related questions
@workspace Project workspace related questions

Inline Chat Slash Commands

Trigger inline chat using the command inlineChat.start and then use

Command Description
/doc Add documentation comments here
/explain Explain the selected code
/fix Fix the selected code
/tests Generate unit tests for the selected code

Trigger using the command github.copilot.interactiveEditor.generate

Command Description
/generate Generate here, this command cannot be entered by the user

Alternatively, you can directly select the area and then enter the command in the inline chat to perform the command operation on the selected area.

|Common commands| | - | |Add comments at the end of each line of code for explanation| |Make the code comply with PEP484 requirements|

Slide Chat Slash Commands

Trigger chat using the command and then use
Or click the Copilot chat button on the sidebar
The Agent (environment) can also be specified in the Chat input box

Slash Commands

Command Description
/api Answer questions about vscode extension plugin development
/explain Explain the selected code
/fix Fix the selected code
/new Create a new project workspace
/newNotebook Create a new Jupyter Notebook
/terminal Explain the commands in the command line
/tests Generate unit tests for the selected code
/help Help instructions
/clear Clear the session

/terminal specific variables, starting with #

Only available in the /terminal command

Variable Description
#terminalLastCommand The last executed terminal command
#terminalSelection The selected terminal command

Slash Commands in Quick Chat and Editor Chat

Parameter Settings

Open the VS Code command palette and enter Preferences: Open Settings to open the configuration file. Configure the relevant parameters in file mode.

You can find the complete parameter description in the package.json files of the copilot and copilot chat plugins in the extension marketplace.

Complete Configuration Reference

// settings.json
    // ...
    "": "always",
    "": "auto",
    "github.copilot.editor.enableCodeActions": true,
    "github.copilot.editor.iterativeFixing": true,
    "github.copilot.editor.enableAutoCompletions": true,
    "github.copilot.enable": {
        "plaintext": false,
        "ini": false,
        "markdown": true,
        "*": true
    "github.copilot.advanced": {
        "length": 4000,
        "inlineSuggestCount": 5,
        "top_p": 1,
        "temperature": "0.8",
        "listCount": 10,
        "stops": {
            "python": [
                "\ndef ",
                "\nclass ",
                "\nif ",
            "*": [
        "debug.showScores": true,
        "indentationMode": {
            "python": false,
            "javascript": false,
            "javascriptreact": false,
            "jsx": false,
            "typescript": false,
            "typescriptreact": false,
            "go": false,
            "ruby": false,
            "*": true
    // ...

Parameter Description

Proxy Parameters

Setting Value Type Description
"http.proxy" string Configure the network proxy address

Copilot Chat Parameters

Setting Value Type Description
"" string Set the Copilot language
"" string Whether to display a welcome message in Copilot Chat
first: only on the first launch, always: always, never: never

Copilot Basic Parameters

Setting Value Type Description
"editor.inlineSuggest.enabled" boolean Enable inline suggestions
"github.copilot.editor.iterativeFixing" boolean Allow Copilot to provide iterative fixing suggestions
"github.copilot.editor.enableAutoCompletions" boolean Allow Copilot to provide auto completions
"github.copilot.editor.enableCodeActions" boolean Allow Copilot to provide code actions, which may include code refactoring, optimizing code structure, fixing errors, etc.

Setting File Types for Copilot

Setting Value Type Description
"github.copilot.enable" json Please put "*": true at the end.
other language to disable Copilot, set false to disable, set true to enable

Copilot Advanced Parameters

github.copilot.advanced controls model parameters, which ultimately affect code generation. Its value is json.

|Setting |Value Type|Description | |:–|:–|:–| "length"| integer | Number of code words generated, default is 500 "top_p"| number | Control the range of model candidates, default value is 1, value range is 0.0~1.0 "temperature"| string | Control the creativity of the model, default value is "", the larger the value, the more unpredictable, value range is 0.0~1.0 "inlineSuggestCount"| integer | Number of inline suggestions, default is 3 "listCount"| integer | Control the number of suggestions in the Completions Panel, default is 10 "stops"| json | Control the stop signs when generating model code, can be controlled by language "indentationMode"| json | Specify whether the language adopts the indentation mode of that language, which may conflict with stops. For example, when using \{\} for indentation, comprehensive consideration is needed when setting this parameter. "debug.showScores"| boolean | Show the score of each suggestion in the code suggestion list
